Kevin is 4 years old. He was born with Down syndrome and last year he was also diagnosed with lymphoblastic leukemia B.
At the end of August, the life of this family changed radically when Kevin began to have a fever and feel worse and worse, and the medical tests showed that he suffers from Leukemia. Desperately looking for a hospital where they could save their little boy, they arrived in Rome at Bambino Gesu. So far, Kevin has gone through dozens of rounds of chemotherapy, immunotherapy, investigations, enduring a lot of pain and suffering in this battle.
The situation of this family with three children is extremely difficult. The father was diagnosed with heart problems when the mother was 8 months pregnant with Kevin. He suffered 5 cardiac arrests and is carrying a defibrillator and unfortunately because of this he can no longer work. The mother worked until Kevin got sick. Now, the only income of this family is the children’s allowances.
Kevin is home after a long period in the hospital. He successfully completed the reinduction phase and began the next stage of treatment, the maintenance phase. This will last another year and will include chemotherapy administered orally, in the form of syrup and pills, as well as numerous medical tests and investigations.
Kevin and his family need our support. During this extremely difficult time, Kevin’s parents are asking for our support. With their hearts shattered, they call on us to join them in this merciless fight. Let’s be with Kevin and his family, to provide the financial support essential for their stay and continued treatment in Italy.
They currently need assistance to cover six months of rent at $400 per month. Help us reach our goal!